First of all my apologies if I'm asking in the wrong place, I was a member of the mailing list <>, but some times after my last posting (a few years ago) I received nothing. I assumed recently that the list was replaced by the forum, but since registration to the forum is barred by a totally ununderstandable question (!), I checked the archives and I realized the list is still mildly active ... but has changed address, so I re-subscribed.

I am in the process of revamping all my fvwm configuration, I re-read all the man pages (incidentally the web based ones are excellent as ease of access) and decided to try some of the modules I so far skipped (and FvwmConsole is a great way to test things.

What I want to do so far is the following (for one I have a working solution but there may be better ones, for the other I have just ideas)

1) I want to keep (e.g. in the lower left corner of my screen) a text
   label with the desktop number or name

   After some experiments, I think the best is to use FvwmButtons

   I define a transparent color set
   Colorset 10 Transparent,Fore White

   then for each desktop I define a FvwmButtons like this (only I
   call them 0,1,2 ...)

   Style MyDesk0 StartsOnDesk 0, SkipMapping,NoTitle,WindowListSkip,
   DestroyModuleConfig MyDesk0*
   *MyDesk0: (Title "desk 0", Action Nop)
   *MyDesk0: Colorset 10

   Module FvwmButtons -g -0-0 MyDesk0

   Each one has hardcoded the desk number (or potentially name).
   I hoped I could use $[desk.n] as a dynamic content. but I found with
   some disappointment that it is the current desk at the moment the
   button or menu or whatever is created.

   Is there any smarter solution (with a single fvwmbutton or other
   widget for all desks, which displays the current desk number as soon
   as one moves to it ?)

2) I want to keep the current date on the screen (and time as well, but
   time is no problem)

   In my old configuration I do this already, I stick in a corner of the
   screen, one above the other, two applications.

   - one is a xdaliclock with the (hh:mm:ss) time (no title, etc.)
   - the other one is a rclock with a geometry of 150x1-0+12, so the
     display of the analog clock is suppressed, and the date is shown
     in the window title bar

   what I wanted to do now was to collect the two clocks, together with
   other things like the FvwmPager and some other stuff, into a

   The xdaliclock is swallowed nicely (so time is no problem), but
   rclock is not usable, because the window title does not exist for
   swallowed windows.

   So far I replaced the rclock button (in the FvwmButtons MyBox) with a
   Piperead from a shell script which does a silly
   echo *MyBox: \(1x1, Back rgb:99/00/00, Fore White,
                       Title \"`date "+%a %b %d"`\", Action Nop\)

   This is very economic (no additional X applications) but of course
   works but loads the date of the moment FvwmButtons is invoked
   (currently from FvwmConsole and later at fvwm startup)

   Since I usually leave the machine logged in for several days, of
   course this date will no longer be valid on the next day

   Is there a smart way to have a button periodically refresh its
   content ?

   I thought of some at command or better crontab, which could use
   FvwmCommand to tell fvwm to KillModule FvwmButtons Mybox and
   invoke it again (may be with a dedicated function) ...
   ... or I could just use the fvwm restart I already have

   Any smarter solution ?

Lucio Chiappetti - INAF/IASF - via Bassini 15 - I-20133 Milano (Italy)
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