Greetings all,

I am looking at the Nokia boxes, espeically appealing is their out of the
box VRRP/sync functionality.  My disclaimer is that aside from reading the
RFC, I am VRRP ignorant.  A few questions come up though:

1)      If a given box is master on both the inside and outside, and if something
on the inside
        (a switch) dies, the inside hosts are going to be switched over to the
backup (second)
        Nokia on the inside.  But what if on the outside, your upstream is routing
down to you
        and the box with the severed inside interface is the master on the outside.
Arent the
        packets then piling up with nowhere to go ?

2)      Continuing on with #1, can the interfaces be 'mated' ?  So that if one
interface loses
        contact with it's VRRP neighbor(s), that it can take another (or all) VRRP
interfaces out  of commission (self-destruct of sorts)?  This way, you
wouldnt need to worry about #1.

I'm sure this has been covered before, but I haven't seen it.  Please feel
free to reply off-list as well.

Brandon Applegate - CCNP, CCDP
Senior Network Engineer - Intelliseek, Inc.
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