
I am using a URI file to block sites that we don't want users to access.

At the moment, we are pointing all the users to our corporate web site when
they access any of the sites in the URI file, and it works fine.

We want to create our own warning page, which states that user-x has
attempted to access a web page that we do not allow access to. This is
basically easy to do.

The thing is, we want the web page we create to be able to automatically
write into a field, the user-name or the WS name from which the access has
been attempted, and the web page name, as well as (if possible) to write the
user details and the site name which they tried to access into a log file
(text or some such).

I know this is possible, but I have no idea how to actually go about and do

Does anyone have an example of such a thing, or can anyone point me to a web
page or pages that describe how to go about doing this ?

I know that to get the user-name or WS-name, I need to use some sort of Java
script, but have no idea which or where to get examples.

Also, how would I read the web page details into the page ?

I am running FW-1 4.1 SP1.

All user access is done via a BM proxy on which I am currently running
WebTrends, but this doesn't give the info I need, and it's too much
additional work to cut and paste the relevant details to the users (That's a
full time job here), and I already have more then enough other things to
ocupy my time. As well as this, since the access is done via the
BorderManager proxy, I can't use the WebTrends on the FW to get the details
I need.

Anyone have any ideas regarding this ?


Mike Glassman
System & Security Admin
Israeli Airports Authority
Ben-Gurion Airport

Tel : 972-3-9710785
Fax : 972-3-9710939

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