-- keith Pope <mute.p...@googlemail.com> wrote
(on Friday, 30 October 2009, 04:02 PM +0000):
> 2009/10/30 Ralph Schindler <ralph.schind...@zend.com> :
> > > Time to go back to using Doctrine then :( bye bye nice models.....
> > >
> > > Do you think it would be a good idea to update the Quickstart guide
> > > now to not use the Data Mapper pattern and use doctrine instead?
> >
> > I would strongly disagree with that move.  I think ZF has always offered 2
> > solid solutions to modeling: use our Data classes (Table Row, etc) to build
> > out a proper model, OR use a 3rd Party ORM framework- like Doctrine.
> >
> > At ZendCon, i've heard more than one person say "This is the way modeling
> > should be done" after seeing matthew's talk on
> >
> > http://www.slideshare.net/weierophinney/architecting-your-models
> >
> > If a project doesn't have the resources to model their data like that, or
> > they need to leverage the Doctrine ecosystem to get a project done in time.
> >  But in the most ideal world (where resources are not an issue), I  too
> > think that this presentation shows how things should be done.
> >
> > That said, I think the quickstart should show both options, but focus on the
> > Data Mapper, Service Layer stuff.
> I agree that the data mapper is a good way to do Models etc but I
> think the basic mapper shown in the quickstart does lead people into
> trouble. If a newcomer follows the quickstart they soon find out that
> modeling relations is very hard and they need an ORM...If we had
> Doctrine 2 integration we can then show the data mapper pattern at its
> best IMO.
> I have had this concern with the quickstart for a while :)

I think we can show the current data mapper still, but then have a note
detailing ORMs and when you need to start using one (vs. a simple
hand-written data mapper).

> Also will we be deprecating Zend_Db as if we have tight Doctrine
> integration is there any reason to keep Zend_Db?

There are plenty of reasons to keep Zend_Db. Not everyone will be using
Doctrine, and for many one-off types of applications (single tables, or
multiple tables with no relations, etc.), having Zend_Db around will
continue to be essential. Additionally, one aspect I'd like to explore
with the Doctrine folks is potentially allowing Zend_Db adapters as
Doctrine RDBMS adapters; this would provide some very interesting
integration points.

Matthew Weier O'Phinney
Project Lead            | matt...@zend.com
Zend Framework          | http://framework.zend.com/

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