On Tue, 21 Aug 2001 at 06:39:27 -0700, Randal L. Schwartz wrote:
> >>>>> "Ian" == Ian Phillipps <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Ian> I've identified the culprit: the tesco.net mail relay is misbehaving on
> Ian> this front. Interesting this is the first time I've noticed. But I don't
> Ian> get my personal email through this mailbox - it's just for mailing
> Ian> lists. Anyhow, the FWP relay is not guilty.

> There's another culprit potential though.  I noticed on a post I made
> through the NNTP interface the other day that ".." had become ".".
> Now, I *know* that GNUS handles the encoding properly, so somewhere
> the NNTP POST feed is not set properly to allow a double dot to remain
> sane.  I've cc'ed Ask here to have him take a look.

I've really nailed the culprit this time. I've been using fetchpop 1.9
for about 4 years, and this is the first time this bug in it has bitten :-/
Now fixed. Where else than using open source software do you get
such prompt fixes? :-)

Email to fetchpop author bounces :-(

My apologies to [EMAIL PROTECTED] - my experiments must have been
flawed. Must keep better records...


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