I'm so happy with this I have to share it
                                           David Nicol 816.235.1187
"... raised indoors and tested by certified technicians"
package Pollute::Persistent;

use 5.006;
use strict;
no strict 'refs';
no warnings;    # all those subroutine redefinitions :)
use vars qw/$Package %Before/;

our $VERSION = '0.03';

sub import{
        my ($Package) = caller;
        my %Before = map {($_,1)} keys %{"${Package}::"};
        *{"${Package}::import"} = sub {

                my %Symbols;    # will be remembered in closure 
                foreach (keys %{"${Package}::"}){
                        $Before{$_} and next;
                        $Symbols{"${Package}::$_"} = $_ ;
                        # print "will set *{\"PACKAGE::$_\"} to *{${Package}::$_} \n";
                undef %Before;
                *{"${Package}::import"} =
                    sub {       # may give a redef. warning
                        ($Package) = caller;
                        foreach (keys %Symbols) {
                                # print "setting *{\"${Package}::$Symbols{$_}\"} = 
                                *{"${Package}::$Symbols{$_}"} = *{$_};
                goto &{"${Package}::import"};


=head1 NAME

Pollute::Persistent - Perl extension to re-export imported symbols


  use Pollute::Persistent;
  use This;
  use That;
  use TheOther;
        # exports anything imported from This, That or TheOther


  On use, all the symbols in the caller's symbol table are listed into
  %Pollute::Before, and the Pollute subroutine is exported (through direct
  symbol table manipulation, not through "Exporter.")

  Pollute::Persistent rewrites its caller's import routine.
  for later use.  Example:

  In one file, called MyFavoriteModules.pm:
  package MyFavoriteModules;
  use Pollute::Persistent;
  use fred;
  use jim;
  use shiela;

  In another file:
  use MyFavoriteModules;        # imports all symbols exported by fred, jim and shiela

  In yet another file:
  use MyFavoriteModules;        # uses newly-defined import function.

=head2 EXPORT

Pollute::Persistent clobbers its caller's import routine.

=head1 AUTHOR

David Nicol, <lt>[EMAIL PROTECTED]<gt>

=head1 LICENSE

GPL/Artistic.  Enjoy.

=head1 SEE ALSO



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