On Jan 8, Jeff 'japhy' Pinyan said:

>On Jan 8, Yitzchak Scott-Thoennes said:
>>I prefer (at least sometimes) to see golf worked out interactively, on
>>the list.
>I'm not sure I understand.  Shall I show my code?

My \s* should've been a \s+.

Jeff "japhy" Pinyan      [EMAIL PROTECTED]      http://www.pobox.com/~japhy/
RPI Acacia brother #734   http://www.perlmonks.org/   http://www.cpan.org/
** Look for "Regular Expressions in Perl" published by Manning, in 2002 **
<stu> what does y/// stand for?  <tenderpuss> why, yansliterate of course.

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