hiya guys.. :)

>I tend to define a golf beginner as
>"is not yet very familiar with the classic perl golf tricks".
>If i see someone using -p }{ and $; to save a space, I don't really
>consider him a beginner.

I would definitely consider myself a beginner (I tried to compete
in the last one but didn't manage to actually submit my entry
due to some technical hitches) but I shot a round of 210.
blowing away the battle for last place!

I do however, have an understanding of the -p }{ and $; tricks
because they are common golf tricks, and have been discussed in
previous rounds..
i'm also familiar enough with perl to write programs that do things
in the real world..

what i'm not familiar with is the way in which you combine syntax
to produce programs that do things that your code doesn't explicitly
what I would define as the difference between a beginner and a
more experienced golfer is that beginners can code perl because
they can use the commands to write a program, and more experienced
golfers can understand the way the program data and control flows
through the commands you give it to generate the right result.

it's almost like beginners write code that tells the perl engine
what to do, and more experienced golfers write code that directs
the engine to perform the intended task.

> > I was happy to allow people who were classified as a beginner
> > in previous games to continue on as a beginner in my game.
> > It seems a little harsh to ban Bill Jones, for example, from
> > competing as a beginner in the next game, just because he
> > has competed in this one.
>Maybe any beginners that are "close enough" to the final winner should be
>promoted automatically.

it's reasonably obvious from the scores who is good and who is a
genius..  if you've got the leader in the beginner section with 28
less shots than the pack, then maybe there's an issue there..

but realistically, it's not about winning is it? (and i've not got
the sense from the list that it's about that either) more about
playing well and thinking creatively.. :)

i'm happy with my solution, because it did something tricky, despite
the fact I didn't submit it, and it was coming convincingly last.. :)
I just hope to get on the leaderboard next time and have some more
fun :)

>In fact, maybe we should drop the whole expert/beginner thing and have a
>PGA rating.
>Something like: in one game the winner gets 100 points, others get one
>less for each stroke worse (cut of at 0)
>new_rating = (9 * old_rating + game_score)/10
>(possibly weighted depending on the game)
>not playing is -2, unless you host the game.
>Everybody starts at 75, you can't go below 0

and we can have a golf game to see who can write the program to handle
the database!


  Kye Leslie: Helpdesk Officer
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