On Wed, 20 Nov 2002 10:35:11 -0600, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Steven Lembark)

> -- Andrew Molyneux <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > I'd probably do:
> > my ($max, $sep, $end) = @_;
> Yes, becuase if you did it this way you'd get $end equal
> to the integer coult of the number of list arguments passed
> plus one for the end value.

Huh? $end gets assigned $_[2]. I'm not sure where you get an "integer
coult" from.

> Notice the usage:
>       my $string = commify 90, ', ', 'etc...', @names;

Those parameters get flattened into a list @_. @names doesn't know that
there's an assignment to a scalar in the subroutine; it gives up its
identity and becomes part of the list.

And anyway, it's a list context assignment.

The first three elements of @_ get assigned to $max, $sep, and $end
(respectively); all further elements get ignored.

Similar to

   my ($ss, $mm, $hh) = localtime;


   my ($foo, $bar, baz) = (1 .. 10);

> The other problem is that even if there were only three
> arguments being passed in you have to check the count
> before making the assignment and croak on @_ != 3 in
> order to avoid an extra parameter causing $end to
> become an integer count.

Why? IDGI.


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