Roland Bergmeier's book, _Die Essener-Berichte des Flavius Josephus_ (1992) 
was evidently not withdrawn from the market. It was initially published by Kok 
Pharos, Kampen. The Pharos imprint is now distributed by Peeters of Leuven. 
The ISBN is 90-390-0014X. It is 175 pages. Price: 25 Euro. If interested, see:

There were several reviews (bibliography on request), largely appreciative, 
though not necessarily persuaded. The most negatively critical published 
evaluation, to my knowledge, is by Steve Mason, in a paper, "What Josephus 
Says about the Essenes in his _Judean War_," (part 1) at

Though I have many big reservations about other parts of that paper, and 
though I would assess the book somewhat differently than Mason, he makes some 
valid criticisms, which we could discuss, if there is list interest.

Stephen Goranson

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