On Sep 6, 2008, at 1:57 PM, Simon Royal wrote:

> The drives in both PC and Mac are the same, it is the physical  
> formatting and partitioning that makes the difference.
> Windows uses FAT32 and NTFS, while Mac OSX uses HFS+.

Macs can support FAT-formatted drives, and have been able to do so  
for a decade.

FAT is not a "native" Mac format, however, and it is provided for  
convenience in data interchange between Macs and PCs.

The partitioning scheme and the data organization can be different.

You can have HFS+ partitions on drives which are APM-partitioned (PPC  
Macs), GUID-partitioned (Intel Macs, but also some Hackintoshes), and  
also MBR-partitioned (primarily Hackintoshes).

> Apple use a lot of Seagate and Western Digital drives, but any IDE  
> will work in both.
> However using the IDE bus on a Sawtooth limits you to 128GB. To go  
> higher you will need a PCI ATA controller.

Only UATA/133 cards (and some UATA/100 cards for which the  
manufacturer has provided updated firmware) implicitly provide for  
greater than 131,072 MB drives.

Some G4s can respond to a special NVRAM "property" which allows for  
LBA48 (large drives), otherwise LBA24 is used.

LBA48 is really a special variation of the IDE protocol wherein the  
logical block number is sent to the drive in two parts, each of these  
being 24 bits.

All large drives are aware of this new LBA48 protocol, whereas it is  
the host adapter (PCI card), or the Mac (IDE buses), which may, or  
may not support this protocol.

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