On Sep 13, 2008, at 2:38 PM, insightinmind wrote:

> Yes ... I'm able to hear the difference ... I usually encode at 256  
> bit
> mp3, too ... mainly because I just don't want to miss anything ... and
> I walk my dog using over the ear headphones ... yes, a bit geeky
> looking ... I'm going for sound, not sight ...
> I also believe there are sounds that we humanoids cannot "hear" ...
> that may possibly push around those we can hear ... so affect what we
> do hear ...
> Well ... something like that ...

I hear you.

Apple lossless of .flac is better than any .mp3.

I disagree about allowing iTunes to catalog your music. I've never had  
any problems, but again, I'm very engaged with my iTunes and  
understand it's functionality better than 99% of people. At least  
iTunes uses normal files and folder names so that you can manually  
navigate the collection if necessary. One hard to spot problem is if  
the iTunes Library index looses track of music you have, but there is  
a script that can find any discrepancies in your iTunes Library. I've  
only needed it once, when I was a neophyte and thought I could merge  
two libraries that were disjoint by simply dragging the 2nd library's  
music folders into the other's collection. Didn't work, but luckily it  
was relatively easy to fix.

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