On Sep 24, 2008, at 9:16 PM, Stephen Conrad wrote:

> I don't remember offhand.
> I have not set up this machine.
> I was given this machine and I forgot to ask what amount of RAM it has
> (or what size HD)
> I was just going through other computers I have sitting around seeing
> if I have some RAM I can put into the G4 I am getting (so I don't have
> to yank what is in the Smurf as I want to keep it in the network).

99% chance that PII RAM is too old and slow for a G4. It's also likely  
a small DIMM since there are only 4 chips total on it. You're wasting  
time, the DIMM is likely worth less than 50ยข. If you're going to use  
the G4 "for real" buy the largest size modules it will take. Ask on  
LEM-Swap, buy on eBay used, or use RamSeeker.com for cheapest prices  
on new (compare with eBay "Buy It Now" new).

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