On Oct 2, 2008, at 4:09 PM, Terry Hirsch wrote:

> Greetings,
> I have a G4 DP 500 Mhz., 512 mgs. RAM, ATI Rage 128 Pro video card  
> and a Western Dig. 20 GB drive. OSX 10.4.9 was installed along with  
> "bonus" software when I bought the machine off eBay last year.  
> Recently, just out of nowhere a dialog boxed popped up asking for a  
> password to my system. Not having one, I contacted the previous  
> owner who couldn't come up with anything that worked. So, I bought  
> a retail version of Tiger 10.4 (eBay) and began reinstalling OSX  
> and that is when various problems began. First of all, the OSX disc  
> didn't want to install an older version of the OS and several tries  
> later, it finally accepted a reinstall onto the secondary drive. I  
> went online and updated it to 10.4.11 along with other files Apple  
> included and thought I was nearing completion. When I next tried to  
> install the OS disc on the primary drive, using Erase & Install,  
> then trying Update several times, the machine kept blowing out the  
> install after almost completing the process. (I let it check the  
> install disc for errors just to make sure the disc wasn't faulty.)  
> The install OSX disc puts up a message to the effect of 'try the  
> installation again' with a "Restart" button flashing on & off. Just  
> to check things out, I ran a "Command - V" request at startup and  
> found a message of the "ATI Rage ndrv old" and said it 'referred to  
> the registry for updating'. Also, a "Apple PMU::PMU forced  
> shutdown, cause= -122" was revealed...So, after checking the  
> meaning of this error message through Apple's online support, it  
> looks like the power supply MAY be starting to fail. Are there any  
> more tests I can do to check the power supply? I was hoping to  
> reinstall the OS and upgrade to a faster machine.
> UPDATE: The front panel power "ON" button only glows briefly, then  
> goes out; is this a reliable symptom of a failed power supply unit?  
> I also changed the logic board battery, for what it's worth. Any  
> help would greatly appreciated.
> Terry

Isn't the ATI Rage Pro 128 an old card to be using with Tiger? might  
that cause issues with installation?

I tried to use eMac CDs of Tiger on a QS 2002, and needed to hack the  
OSInstall.dist file to accept the QS as a valid machine. Otherwise it  
acted like what you were describing ... nearly complete ... and "Try  
Again". After the hack, I only installed the base system, and that  
went to an external FW HD. After updating that to 10.4.11, I used  
CarbonCopyCloner to move it to other machines ... but all of them had  
an ATI Radeon 7000ME in them. The QS had an agp ATI Radeon 9800Pro.

I would try re-seating the PCI and AGP(?) cards, and maybe even re- 
seat the ATA cables and their power plugs, being careful not to break  
anything like fragile wiring.

psu-s can be seen at:

although I haven''t bought any from them yet.

Wish I knew more ...

Good luck.

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