On Oct 16, 8:36 pm, Kris Tilford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Wait. If you have the Arrangement tab, and you "arrange" the two
> Desktops, then if you can drag the cursor from one Desktop to the
> other, you've got "spanning" enabled. Normally you'd only get
> "mirroring", meaning both monitors are identical, external "mirrors"
> the onboard LCD. It sounds like you have a hybrid, you've got
> spanning, but somehow the resolution of the two Desktops are mirrored
> instead of independent as they should be.

As is always too frequently, this is a constant revelation of my
ignorance and inability to follow directions.
Thanks to your prompting Kris I finally figured out how to "drag the
menu bar from one screen to the other".
That did it.
Then the Dock disappeared but eventually I found it simply had to be
magnified more.

So as always, I appreciate the patient persistence of my friends on
this list.

thank you

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