At 3:44 PM -0600 11/10/2008, Kris Tilford wrote:
>On Nov 10, 2008, at 3:16 PM, Dan wrote:
>  > A responsible programmer would have put appropriate sanity (sic)
>>  checks in their code to make sure it DOESN'T LOAD if it's on an
>>  unsupported configuration.
>This is crazy. You're telling me that a software developer should go 
>back and make certain that old releases (in this case FREEWARE) is
>compatible with newer OS's released later?

WIth something this critical, the design should check - period.  That 
it fails to do so is a MAJOR bug that should have been fixed, and 
retrofitted into older releases.  The buggy versions should then have 
been withdrawn from distribution.

>Come on, give me a break! 
>It's FREEWARE. Read the instructions before installing!

Sorry, I program - so I don't give programmers a break for 
fundamental gross bugs such as this, ever.  This isn't a simple app 
that punts.  This is a piece of code that takes down a WHOLE OS.

Apple gets some fault too.  They know of this problem and yet they 
LET it take down the OS!  They could fix that!

>  > I'm sorry.  While it's great for users to read release notes and
>>  such... Programmers are responsible for making their code SAFE,
>>  period.
>Yes, but safe for the OS they were designed and supported to work 
>with. In this case, the freeware program "Dock Detox" is supported for 
>"PCC PowerMacs in OS 10.2, 10.3, or 10.4".

And the programmer's arms were broken - he/she/it was unable to check 
the boundary conditions - less than 10.1 and greater than 10.4?  Oh 
please!  This is a fundamental programming failure.  If I'd done it 
in high school, my teacher would have gone into convulsions trying to 
resist whapping me upside the head!

- Dan.
- Psychoceramic Emeritus; South Jersey, USA, Earth

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