At 10:49 PM +0000 11/10/2008, Simon Royal wrote:
>You know you have cats when one of the fluffy monsters chews through the
>earphone cable to your iPod whilst you are listening to it.

Frieda just turned two.  She licks and chews on everything!  Her fav, 
currently, is the air tubing on a medical gizmo.  Replaced it twice 
so far.  Last month, she was into firewire cables!  Can't seem to 
deter her.  She's starting to work on pulling at drawers, to open 
them.  Her fav spot in my room is sitting on my Smurf.  If that's not 
available, then she camps out on an old monitor.

Had an x86 iMac here.  She was very unhappy with that.  No flat spot 
to pirch on!

- Dan.
- Psychoceramic Emeritus; South Jersey, USA, Earth

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