On Nov 10, 4:09 pm, John Callahan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I posted this to the Panther List and got a message that it doesn't  
> exist anymore?
> Begin forwarded message:
> > Is it possible to install a Panther upgrade on a G4 Quicksilver  
> > 733mHz Tower, 896 MB RAM, 40 GB hard drive, OS X 10.2.8, and what  
> > are the requirements?

Panther and Tiger both work nicely on that machine.

> > The CD's are numbered Version 10.3 2Z691-4633-A and 2Z691-4586-A

The second number matches Disk 2 of my black retail set.  My disk 1 is
2Z691-4585-A.  Did your disks come out of the same box?  If not, you
may have parts of two different sets, leaving a question in my mind
whether they will work together.  Just try it.

With your old machine, I'd recommend you chose the Erase and Install
option in Disk Utility of the installer.  That is, wipe out all the
old after backing up your essential data.  That will help with any
budding problems on the hard drive disk by patching over them.  Short
of that approach, it is best to do an Archive and Install.  Choosing
the quicker Upgrade option can bring you trouble.  It simply mixes the
new code with the old, and it does not always succeed in bringing out
a good, clean running OS.

Al Poulin

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