On Dec 17, 2008, at 5:24 PM, Len Gerstel wrote:

> For anyone using Perian (and that should be everyone using Quicktime
> and running 10.4.7 and higher), they just updated it to 1.1.3. You
> can update from your Preference Pane or http://perian.org/.
> And, yes, this is an open source project with a 1.x release, believe
> it or not.
> Len

Thanks, Len.

Simple installation ... now I can view those flv files without the  
other thing ... FLV Viewer of something, I have on my QS.

My G4/450 OC'dYikes! takes to the Quicktime with Perian well.

Bill Connelly
artsite: http://mysite.verizon.net/moonstoneartstudio
myspace: http://www.myspace.com/moonstoneartstudio

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