At 4:39 PM -0800 12/17/2008, Will S wrote:
>You could also just skip Perian and Quicktime all together. VLC easy
>to find with a Google search works great much better then Quicktime
>even with the Persian update. I've decided to do just that for my new
>10.5.5 OS on a new partition. I've not needed Quicktime with or
>without add ons for several years.  So why not go with the best
>available software.

VLC is a nice media player, for the specific small subset of codecs 
it handles, but it can also be VERY crashy and is often much more CPU 
intensive than QuickTime.

As for not needing QuickTime... Um... So you're saying that you NEVER 
EVER view any graphics or video of any type in any application on 
your Mac, except within VLC.   Hint:  It's all QuickTime.  ALL.

I think you're saying you just prefer VLC over QuickTIme Player?

- Dan.
- Psychoceramic Emeritus; South Jersey, USA, Earth

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