At 1:28 PM -0500 1/2/09, Dan posted:
>  At 1:20 PM -0500 1/2/2009, Steve R wrote:
>>Grrrr.... Address Book was the answer. Old username was at the bottom
>>of the list which I never scrolled to because Eudora just filled in
>>automatically. Thank you!
>  hah!  Glad it was that simple.  I was kindof scratching my head over
>  that one.  I don't use Address Book - tried it long ago and it ate my
>  data!  Haven't tried it since.
>  I donno.  I'm trusting iTunes now.  Maybe I should give Address Book
>  another look.

I don't use Address Book either. Eudora does ;-) So I pretty much 
forget about it :-(

Steve R

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