On Feb 2, 2009, at 10:27 PM, Kris Tilford wrote:

> I have a dual 2.3 GHz G5 and it's been a slight pain with the PCI
> slots. I too was unsure of what they are, and figuring it out was the
> biggest pain. I'm confident they're called "PCI-X" which means "PCI
> eXtended", they're basically like normal PCI slots with an "eXended"
> section beyond the standard length. The newer Macs have "PCI-e" which
> are sometimes also referred to (incorrectly) as PCIx or PCI-X or PCIe
> which means "PCI Express". These come in a variety of lengths and are
> totally different than standard PCI slots.
> PCI-X are extended 64-bit slots that are keyed 3.3v only. This rules
> out all 5v standard PCI cards, but any 3.3v or universal PCI card will
> work, in addition to all PCI-X cards (kinda rare). Just today I needed
> a couple more USB ports and thought I'd stick a standard PCI 1394/USB2
> combo card into my G5, but no, it was keyed 5v. I looked on eBay and
> most PCI cards sold now are universal (meaning they have both 5v and
> 3.3v keyways and auto adjust). I've used numerous other standard PCI
> cards in my G5, as well as several PCI-X cards, and todays combo card
> was the first 5v only card I've encountered that wouldn't work.

Well, Kris it looks like you're right. I would've sworn that no 1.8 G5  
came with PCI-X. I thought that the extra long slots were just 64-bit  
PCI slots (like the old 64-bit slot on the Yikes.) But it appears that  
my early rev dual 1.8 does indeed have PCI-X. Like a solution looking  
for a problem, it makes me wonder what PCI-X cards are available for a  


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