Al wrote:
> You've tried many suggestions including re-blessing the OS 9 System
> Folder.
> Reviewing the above, you have OS 9.2 loaded on two HDDs, "1- 120GB and

NO ... only on the 6GB at the end of the chain.

Maybe I should have prefaced this mess saying that what I was trying to 
do was to have three (3) OS on the same MAC but 1 each on the three 
drives. An OS9.2 drive, an OS10.4 , and an OS10.5 drive. The 10.5 is 
mine to try out new software, the 10.4 is for the son and daughter, and 
the 9.2 is for the son for older software and games that were 
discontinued by 10.4.

Maybe I should have just partitioned the 200GB into a 9.2, 10.4 and 10.5 
partitions but I thought it would be easier and *safer* to have an OS on 
each HDD.
> 1 - 6GB (OS9.2) HDD's in that order."  And you cannot boot into either
> of the OS 9.2 drives?  Sometime about a year ago you upgraded from OS
> 9.2 to OS X Tiger.  Perhaps more detail on the history may help.  With
> the Tiger upgrade, did you retain OS 9.2 on a drive with no problems
> for a while? 
I ran OS9.2 and Tiger together, then I took the plunge and went commando 
with only Tiger, now I am running Tiger and Leopard together but am 
about to get a G5 ... I hope and am going to give this to the kids ... 
they have just about worn out their Beige G3's.
>  Did you go without 9.2 for a while and more recently
> loaded it on both its drives?  If so, did you initialize the two OS
> 9.2 drives using OS X Disk Utility and perhaps did not check the box
> for loading the OS 9 drivers?
System Preferences says that OS9 drivers are loaded.
> Do you have the problem whether trying to restart in OS 9.2 from
> either of your Tiger and Leopard drives?  Before I happily sold my G4
> Quicksilver 733 with two internal drives, I had OS X 10.3.9 Panther
> and OS 9.2.2 on the "main" drive.  The other drive had three volumes,
> one for OS 9.2.2, one for OS X 10.3.2 (test), and a third for scratch
> space.  I could not boot into OS 9.2.2 via Startup Disk in System
> Preferences while restarting from OS X on the main drive.  But I could
> boot OS 9.2.2 from the test OS X on the secondary drive.
I haven't tried this yet but maybe Tuesday as I work as a Fire Captain 
tomorrow and can't lug this around with me.
> If you had both OS X and OS 9 booting fine for a while, what changes
> occurred in the system environment shortly before you hit the OS 9.2
> boot problem?  Like maybe the last version update to OS 10.5.5?
Scrubbed the HDD and installed Tiger, later I added Leopard on another 
Partition then decided to move Tiger to a separate drive and recently 
decided to add the 6GB HDD and install OS9.2 on it.
> Hope you have better luck with your "Honey-dos from She who must be
> Obeyed."
> Al Poulin
We are not talking at the moment ... boy it sure is nice and peaceful!!!

Dan Currie

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