On Feb 24, 2009, at 2:57 PM, PETE wrote:

> Suppose I don't use anything and just place the heatsink on the  
> processor. Any harm in that?TIA.
> Pete.

Pete, I would install the heat-sink using the silver paste. There are  
any number of of people on the LEM site that will help. I have a QS  
that was rendered unusable because of heat problems and a new heat- 
sink cooling fan and re-seating the heat sink made a new one out of  
it. The most important thing to beware of is using too much silver  
paste, the suggested amount is, as I recall, the size of a BB shot.  
Anymore and the possibility exists that it will flow out and down  
into the electrical components and short them out, ruining your  
mother board. Heat conduction is the object here and the silver paste  
enhances heat conduction. Go for it.

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