>>  On Feb 28, 10:34 am, Bruce Johnson <john...@pharmacy.arizona.edu>
>>  wrote:
>>>  I need to prepare about 100 photos for ID's and class photo composites  
>>>  for our incoming students; each got their picture taken at interview  
>>>  time.
>>>  The pictures are all taken at the same distance and zoom, waist-up  
>>>  shots (thankfully, last year they weren't and we refused to touch that  
>>>  mess!) so what I need to do is crop them all to the same size, for  
>>>  just a head shot. I'll have to change what part of the photo is  
>>>  cropped each time, but I need the cropped dimensions to always be the  
>>>  same.
>>>  IS there a way to define a set clipping region or cropping box then  
>>>  apply it to each photo, move it around as necessary, then crop the  
>>>  photos?

Would Downsize suit your purpose? <http://stuntsoftware.com/Downsize/>

Steve R

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