On Feb 28, 2009, at 7:39 PM, Ken W wrote:

> What the heck?  I am not that technical with this kind of stuff.

I used to boot from Firewire HDs all the time, and occasionally would  
run into a similar issue. The problem was somehow something switched  
the Firewire kext in OS X to some other setting. I remember I looked  
in the System.log when the Firewire was working and it always said  
something like "A400" and "400Mbps" somewhere. When it was broken and  
not mounting the HDs it said "A100" and "100Mbps" instead. I believe  
the solution was to use Onyx, Cocktail, or Applejack to clean the  
caches, etc., and reboot. Then it acted normally again. I don't know  
if this is your problem, but it worked for me when my Firewire drives  
stopped mounting.

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