> > there is background noise that shows up in one channel
> > on Final Vinyl (and thus in one of the speakers also). Its a low level 
> > static sound with
> > a beat of about 20 per second. First thing I did was disconnect all
> > peripherals, including iMic. Then went around the house expecting stray
> > motor noise. Nada.
> > Where do I look next good folk?
> > thanks, Del
> > Sawtooth, G3, 10.4.11

All 11 suggestions are worthwhile, thanks, but unfortunately - nix on
all ( moving tower & monitor, etc. is a bit monumental so will pass on
 I had felt the fact that the noise  was showing up on only one
channel to somehow be the key - and that this might point to something
internal or software related? ( since I know of no external sources to
account for)
thanks, Del
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