On Mar 2, 2009, at 6:48 PM, yawg wrote:

> I don't have a new library location, as my new big disk is only
> storage as my old smaller disk was. I just want to point iTunes to the
> new disk where all my music is now. It's an identical copy of all the
> music on my original smaller disk. I hate to bloat my system disk with
> all those files.

I just sent a LONG reply assuming your new 1 TB HD WAS your new System  
disk, but it appears not. If the 1 TB is external, and you've got  
copies on both the smaller System HD and the new 1 TB external, the  
solution is "similar" to my long explanation. You can move ALL the  
iTunes Music folder on the smaller System HD to the trash (don't empty  
unless you're certain the copy on the external HD is complete), and  
then open iTunes and go to the Preferences>Advanced tab and use the  
"Change..." button to change the iTunes Music folder location. The new  
location should be the exact path to the "iTunes" folder on the new 1  
TB HD. Again, if this folder has a file called "iTunes Library" you  
can trash it. Then drag & drop the entire "iTunes Music" folder which  
contains copies of all your album and tunes into either the open  
iTunes window or the iTunes icon and it will reindex everything, but  
this time it will recognize the new pathway to the new HD and not clog  
your small System HD with all these tunes.

Good luck!

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