My Beige boots very quickly....faster than my B&W.  The Beige is 
upgraded with a ZIF Encore to 500mhz G4...
The slowness in WmHatch's G3 makes me wonder if the jumpers on the 
IDE drives are correctly set.  It might be worth disconnecting one of 
the IDE drives and then re-starting.  I would also try the other IDE 
as the boot drive and see if there is any improvement.

>On Mar 4, 9:19 pm, wrote:
>>  In a message dated 3/4/09 8:31:11 PM, writes:
>>  > I have inherited a Beige G3 Minitower with 2 IDE hard drives, 
>>The issue is that boot ups are very slow almost
>>  > like the machine is searching for a startup disk. 
>The thing that you are not paying attention to is the fact that a
>Beige G3 normally takes quite a while to boot up. That machine is
>nowhere as quick on start up as the later machines of the G3 series,
>even if it has the 300MHz processor. All of the B&W G3s booted faster
>than the Beige G3s and then Apple made the even faster G4s.
>Just do as I do when I boot up a Beige G3, go into the kitchen and get
>a cold soda from the refrigerator, pop some popcorn, check the
>mailbox, and then go back to my computer desk.

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