On 3/6/09 12:24 AM, tortoise of cymraeg...@gmail.com sent

> On Mar 4, 7:57 pm, tortoise <cymraeg...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Mar 3, 9:11 pm, insightinmind <billycarm...@verizon.net> wrote:> On Mar 4,
>> 2009, at 12:06 AM, tortoise wrote:
>>>> ?Drivers? Os9 includes ati drivers but not nvidia.
>>>> found an os9.2.2 driver here:
>>>> http://mac.softpedia.com/get/Drivers/Apple-NVIDIA-Driver.shtml
>>> My 9.2.2 partition has nVidia drivers ...
>> well mine don't. maybe not installer does unless you have an nvidia
> I did a custom install last night and found the nvidia drives on 9.2.1
> (no for 9.1).
> **Extension manager description for the basic nvidia driver says no
> monitor support without it ***
> however they're version 2.x and the link above has 3.x

Greetings all, I am chiming back in with my experiences on this issue -
thanks much both/all of you for the links and discussions-they helped a lot.

At the last, I was not able to get the NVidia 4MX unit to work in my
OS 9-powered Dig. Audio unit, however, by that time some directory
corruption may have been the issue, that part being the result of repeated
PRAM zapping and improper shutdowns (freezes). The issue was circumvented by
swapping in a proven trustworthy Radeon 9000 that I had in another unit.
Somewhat related, I have, at the school music creation studio, an MDD dual
867MHz unit that also runs in OS 9.2.2 (for legacy app. support needs); its
video card is also an NVidia 4MX 64Mb; it has always run with the ability to
offer only one resolution, just like having a video card with no drivers
installed yet; hardly an issue if the monitor being used is a 23" Apple
Cinema display, but really an issue if you have to swap that Apple display
with a standard 19" ViewSonic LCD monitor (which I had to do recently), now
being stuck in 640 x 480 (yech!)

The drivers are the NVidia version 2.4 as installed by the OS. I am hoping
that these version 3 drivers will fix this problem. BTW, to install the
drivers I am having to bypass the installer; this did NOT work on the MDD; I
presume it is looking for that extra Matrox codec card as mentioned in the
ReadMe file attached to the downloaded .smi file. I used Tome Viewer to
extract the needed extensions and will put those on the machine tomorrow.
Hope it helps!
Best regards,

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