On Mar 14, 2009, at 2:01 PM, Charles Davis wrote:

> The 'Electrically conductive' being a problem is NOT between the
> processor & heat sink, it's the problem caused by 'excess conductive
> paste' oozing onto circuit traces adjacent to the processor, and
> shorting various signals and/or power traces.
> I.E. "Sloppy application"

With over-application of Arctic Silver, for example, to a G4, there  
are power decoupling lines on the surface of the chip which can be  
shorted-out by such oozing.

The "washer" which Apple generally applies to its processors can  
limit the intrusion of the conductive paste to those lines.

However, over-application will usually get underneath the "washer"  
and be resistant to attempts to remove it.

If you over-apply Arctic Silver, you are asking for trouble.

If you over-apply silicone thermal "grease", there is no issue except  
for the mess.

Pine-SolĀ®, applied full-strength, can dissolve most such "greases".

And, as Pine-Sol is water-soluble, the excess "grease", then in  
suspension, will simply, and completely wash-off.

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