Greetings ( + )!( + )

What you describe is exatly the same that I was having.
Used Tech Tools Deluxe "Surface Scan" on my 320Gb drive (took about 12
Hrs.) and the report was "Failed - Bad Blocks" so I've laid that disk
to rest RIP and have ordered a new drive.

If you have Tech Tools Deluxe run the "Surface Scan" you will be
surprised what it will find.


 - Harry -

On Mar 18, 10:58 am, Janine <> wrote:
> Hi All - thanks for your advice.
> I think it's definitely a corrupted system problem.  Tried to do an
> Archive and Install and the problem got worse, to the point where Disk
> First Aid has gone from saying there is nothing wrong with the disk,
> to saying it cannot be repaired! Yuck!
> From the OS X install disk, I can select OS9 on my computer as a
> startup disk and it starts and loads fine, with all files present and
> everything functioning.  OS X won't load and now I just get a blue
> screen (before I was getting my custom desktop picture and the dock
> and file headers)
> I have ordered an upgrade for my Disk Warrior, and will just have to
> sit tight until it gets here!  I'll be sure to let you know if it
> fixes the problem.
> BTW - I started to notice little problems with my system after I
> installed the last system update from Apple.  Has anyone else
> experienced problems after that update?  Just wondering, because my
> system was very stable until then.
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