On Mar 20, 2009, at 9:21 PM, tonycd wrote:

> My old 17" CRT still works fine, but I'm getting greedy at home for
> the same convenient screen real estate I have at the office (I often
> need to display two Word docs at once).
> I see 22" monitors for $140 that sound pretty good. I am VEEERRRRY
> price-sensitive, and this is like the sirens singing to me.
> I also read that one monitor advertised it was "Windows Vista-ready"
> and had the drivers for that OS. (Drivers? For a monitor?)

More than likely this is color profiles for the monitor.

> a question I never even thought of: are some LCDs incompatible with OS
> X?

None as far as I know. Whether features such as autorotation work  
(flipping it from landscape to portrait orientation) is dependent on  
the vide drivers, not the monitor. You don't mention what computer you  
have, and what video card you have...there are monitors on the market  
today that won't work with some of the very old Video cards in the  
earliest OS X compatible computers.

Bruce Johnson

"Wherever you go, there you are" B. Banzai,  PhD

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