At 1:01 AM -0400 3/24/2009, insightinmind wrote:
>  >>> Ok.  Can't tell - you didn't send any system.log files.
>>>  The two Apple System Profiler reports in the first sitx "Bill
>>>  Connelly's Hearing Problems.sitx", were a Before and After snapshot,
>>>  and should have contained the logs. Don't spx files contain the logs?
>>>  ___BlueScreen.spx and ___AppleJackedStartRestart.spx files.
>>  No, they don't contain the logs.
>So the spx file I sent doesn't contain the system.log?

It does, but it's only the most recent piece of the log for the 19th. 
The crash and panic logs are from different dates and times.

- Dan.
- Psychoceramic Emeritus; South Jersey, USA, Earth

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