At 7:45 PM -0700 3/26/09, nestamicky wrote:
>>I don't have an xserve but do have a Sawtooth that I'd like to put 
>>to use the same way the OP is desiring. I think this thread should 
>>be kept alive so we can all learn about running a dedicated server 
>>on OS X. I'm getting tired of the multi platform computing at home 
>>and would like to go complete mac, at least for most of the time. 
>>So, let's keep this thread alive! I'd like to learn all there is to 
>>set mine up!

MacPorts works well for me.  There are some 5000+ programs 
(admittedly, many are those wierd little dependency programs that you 
have to install before you can add the program you want).

One nice thing is that MacPorts knows the dependencies and installs 
them first, unlike installing from source code.  It's really 
frustrating to run a long compile only to find that there's some cpan 
module you don't have in place yet.

And in the most recent MAMP server I built, i discovered that you can 
go into the instruction file and change the ./configure directives. 
This is important if, for instance, the apache server you're 
installing doesn't normally come with PEAR or MySQL support, and you 
know you will likely need support for those.   Look in the HowTo 
section for how to upgrade - that shows you where the instruction 
files are and how to open them for editing.  (I changed mine to 
-with-pear and -with-mysql and re-installed apache with no problem)

Also, be sure to read their section on how to build a MAMP server, if 
that's your goal.

Bill Christensen

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