At 8:30 AM -0700 3/27/09, Bruce Johnson wrote:
>On Mar 27, 2009, at 2:18 AM, Bill Christensen wrote:
>>  And in the most recent MAMP server I built, i discovered that you can
>>  go into the instruction file and change the ./configure directives.
>>  This is important if, for instance, the apache server you're
>>  installing doesn't normally come with PEAR or MySQL support, and you
>>  know you will likely need support for those.
>Be careful using MAMP rather than XAMPP or building the various bits 
>by hand. MAMP is designed for developers to have a server system on 
>their Mac for development purposes, and is missing some security stuff 
>that you really want in place for running a live server.
>  From the MAMP website:
>"MAMP was created primarily as a PHP development environment for 
>Macintosh computer and should therefore not be used as Live Webserver 
>for the Internet. In this case, we recommend that you use Mac OS X 
>server with the provided Apache or a Linux server."
>XAMPP is as easy a plug-n-play solution, and is set up to serve as a 
>live internet server. Just make sure you go through and do the 
>security steps during the installation. We had some folks here leave
>that step out and their server got hacked.

I was using "MAMP" in the generic form, Mac Apache MySQL PHP, as 
opposed to the packaged MAMP install.

I'd appreciate pointers to any missing security stuff.

I took a look at XAMPP recently but didn't see if it's easy to tweak 
the various server configs to fit specific needs (such as PHP 
supporting PEAR in the above example).  The big problem with 
plug-and-plays is that they can be hard if not impossible to 
customize.   And it seems that someone always wants something that 
isn't in the pre-packaged versions.

Bill Christensen

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