once you have the Mac set back as you want it, why not try psychology,
Tell your daughter that if she tries to bypass the parental controls
again you will take the Mac away and replace it with a PC running
Vista Home !! This should put the fear of god* in her and prevent any
further transgressions.

*Or whatever deity / celebrity she worships <GRIN>

On Apr 14, 2:24 am, DAN A CURRIE <danc...@frontiernet.net> wrote:
> Hello All,
> My daughter, in an attempt to bypass parental controls, somehow was able
> to remove or change my account from ADMINISTRATOR to STANDARD and I can
> not get in to make ANY changes except to change the password which it
> will accept until I try and make a change and then it tells me that I am
> not an administrator.
> Dan II
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