On May 10, 2009, at 6:37 PM, Cliff Rediger wrote:

> On May 10, 10:29 am, Clark Martin <cm...@sonic.net> wrote:
> .
>> You're better off enabling authentication.  It will work whever  
>> you are
>> at and you won't have to keep changing your settings.
>> --
>> Clark Martin
> Eudora 6 provides an "Allow Authorization" check box
> which I have checked. Is that what you mean, Clark, by
> "authentication"?

That's part of it, at least.

> I can also define a "relay personality" but not sure what that means.

I don't recall, it's been a while since I set up Eudora for it.

Check your ISP, they can tell you about what method they are using  
and what the settings are.

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