--- On Thu, 6/11/09, Bruce Johnson <john...@pharmacy.arizona.edu> wrote:

> From: Bruce Johnson <john...@pharmacy.arizona.edu>
> Subject: Re: The powerpc now and in the future....
> To: g3-5-list@googlegroups.com
> Date: Thursday, June 11, 2009, 11:47 AM
> On Jun 10, 2009, at 9:23 PM, tortoise wrote:
> > Also, the POWER architecture is not going away in the
> least despite
> > Apple being against it.
> Apple did not abandon the PowerPC...the PowerPC makers
> abandoned  
> Apple, in favor of those game consoles and high end servers
> (IBM) and  
> automobiles (The Chipmaker Formerly Known As Motorola).
> Macs stagnated performance-wise in the early 00's BECAUSE
> neither IBM  
> or Motorola could (or would) produce the kind of high
> performance, low  
> power chips that Intel was making by the boatload. Apple
> didn't put  
> Dual CPU's into powerPC's because the technology was cool,
> or at the  
> time, even all that greater performance...it was because
> Moto and IBM  
> WOULD NOT MAKE the faster parts for Apple. Macs never got
> beyond a G4  
> in laptops because IBM WOULD NOT MAKE a low power G5.
> Neither company cared for Apple's business. The figured
> that since  
> Apple had tied themselves to the PPC, they could let it
> become a boat  
> anchor. What did THEY care that the personal computer
> business was  
> mainly Intel-based. Apple was stuck right? No way would
> Apple dump all  
> their existing code and customers to switch! Phaw!
> (Apple certainly fooled me! I was stuck eating crow
> sandwiches, crow  
> tetrazzini, crow pot pies, and crow hash for a long time
> after their  
> Intel announcement. I was sure they wouldn't switch, too.)
> Bluntly Apple's business for both companies was at best a
> hobby, not  
> linked to their main line of business.
> Computer CPU chips are Intel's bread, butter and mortgage
> payment.  
> Apple's done a hell of a lot better by Intel than they EVER
> did by Moto.
> Apple's just the kind of computer company that Intel can
> expect for  
> early adoption of their new CPU's. Apple's also the ONLY
> major  
> customer of Intel that Intel doesn't have to pay for
> advertising...no  
> 'Dong ding dong DING' in Apple advertising.
> This is a win-win for Intel AND Apple.
> > Nearly every game console uses it , most of
> > the world's fastest computers, and most automobiles,
> and nearly all
> > the unmanned space missions
> > (the last two are just moving up to the G3).
> That's got nothing to do with them being PowerPC and
> everything to do  
> with their ability to be radiation hardened. And space
> probes are  
> still pretty evenly split between the PPC and 80486 and
> early Pentium  
> classes (I've got a friend whose done programming for
> multiple space  
> probes, including the oven code for the Mars Polar Lander.
> A constant  
> headache is switching Endians, even between parts of the
> same probe.)
> -- 
> Bruce Johnson
> University of Arizona
> College of Pharmacy
> Information Technology Group
> Institutions do not have opinions, merely customs
> > 


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