On 6/13/09 4:21 PM, "Kyle Hansen" <pi...@speakeasy.net> Broadcast into the

And page 2 of why bottom posting is considered the polite way to handle
things, especially in a back and forth forum:

Top-posting forces your reader to work

A top-posted message is easy to write; since, it doesn't require the writer
to edit any of the original message. As a consequence, a top-posted message
makes the message reader do the work of understanding what was said. Anyone
new to a top-posted conversation has to read a message unnaturally from
bottom to top. A reader may have to skip over the new top-posted comment at
the top of the message and scroll down to the bottom of the message to see
the context for the comment, then scroll back up, message by message, to
read the added comments in an unnatural bottom-to-top reverse order. No
editing has been done by the top-posting writers; so, each message contains
redundant signatures and irrelevant material.

And a few more links:


Kyle Hansen
This is the way the world ends...not with a bang, but a twitter.

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