On Jun 20, 2009, at 4:13 PM, Matthew Burks wrote:

> So what would I need to purchase to make my 533mhz a dual 800mhz or  
> dual 1000mhz?

You would need, at a very minimum:

1) a dual 800 or dual 1000 processor,

2) a matching heatsink,

3) a Quicksilver-type fan unit (the DA-type fan unit is not usable), and

4) a special cable which accepts +12 volts and +12 volts return from  
an available hard drive connector and provides:

4a) +12 volts to the "fifth hole" in the QS processor,

4b) +12 volts to the QS fan unit, and

4c) +12 volts return to the QS fan unit.

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