On 25/06/2009, at 9:28 PM, Brian Christmas wrote:

> Is there a 3rd part replacement that offers the same keys, or that can
> be keymapped?

Good day Brian,

There is an option in System Preferences in OSX 10.4+ to change the  
modifier keys. This will allow you to change your 'alt' key on a  
normal PC keyboard to 'cmd', therefore, the keys would be in the same  
place as in an Apple keyboard.

Any keyboard that is USB should work on OSX. Function/media etc keys  
on the keyboard however may not work.

I don't see why she does not like the Apple keyboard. To save money  
and the environment, you should not take the car out to get a new  
keyboard, but tell her to stay at home and get used to the Aluminum  
Apple keyboard which is flawless :)

Po-en Tsai

-- iMac G3 Indigo 350 MHz, running OSX 10.4, 10.3 and OS 9.2.2, 80gb  
HDD with 768MB ram. Quite speedy.

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