----- Original Message ----
> From: tortoise <cymraeg...@gmail.com>

> On Jun 28, 3:40 pm, glen wrote:
> > Recently acquired a Sonnet 800 MHz ZIF upgrade for a G3 B&W.
> >
> > I need some install/user guide type info. Searching Google and the Sonnet 
> support was not helpful.
> You must remove the "G4 Block" which is in the Firmware (not the
> jumper block !!), by a firmware patch. You have to do firmware update
> in os9. If sonnet has took off their website, I could email it to you
> (send me email off-list) -- if I can find it, I know I used it on
> mine.. I also have an installation user guide with pictures. It is for
> the 550 but should be the same, the part about the software is
> obscure.
Sonnet still has the firmware upgrade and a cache enabler on their site.

Long before I bought this "new" processor upgrade I removed the G4 block when I 
attempted to install a G4 400 MHz ZIF upgrade. That one, the "old" G4 400 MHz 
processor turned out to be toast.

So I was wondering if I need to redo the "G4 block removal"  firmware upgrade 
using the Sonnet software. I guess it can't hurt, so I  will. And at the same 
time  install the Sonnet cache enabler as well; not sure if the cache enabler 
is for OS 9 or OS X or both.

Thanks to Bruce I found what I think is the proper installation manual, won't 
know until I print out the appropriate pages.

Thanks for your help. --glen

PS: I wonder if the 800 MHz processor with the dropped 66 MHz bus speed will 
offer much of a speed boost over the current 350 MHz processor and the 100 MHz 
bus speed?? Is it worth the effort?

When I get around to it I'll do some benchmarks. Too many old upgrade projects 
in the works and not enough spare time, hee hee :).


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