if you are osx 10.2 you can only run pro-tools up to version 6.1 and it 
would have to be a MIX system or a digi 01

You can run up to 6.4.1 mix on osx 10.3.8 and a digi-02 but this is 
where mix systems end and HD takes over.

if you are running the first versions of HD you can run up to 6.9 on 
OSx 10.3.9
If you are running HD with pro tools 7 you must be on OSX 10.4.x
If you are running HD with Pro tools 8 you must be on OSX 10.5x

and thats only the start of the fun!

On Aug 1, 2009, at 8:05 AM, coolarrow wrote:

> i try to open file an get message unable to read or unscriptable open
> in an select application an still get same message i can't install
> protools for recording when i select open in it is set to automatic
> i'm running 10.2.8 do i have to be on internet to install protools any
> help would be great
> >

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