Open Office is now native on the MacIntel machines and runs much
faster than NeoOffice. So if you have intel inside, go with
OpenOffice. You can run Open OFfice on X-11 if you have a G-3 or G-4.
I find that Open Office does nearly everything that Microsoft Office
does, and if you are used to the way Microsoft  Office runs you should
be comfortable in Open Office. Neo Office is very slow, but once it
has opened it is tolerable.

I also have iWorks, and use Template a lot and prefer it to the
presentation software in Open Office or Power Point. But I find that
Numbers is not quite as useful as Open Office and Excel. As far as
pages goes, it is a nice program, but I usually use Text Edit or the
Word Processor in Open Office. - Duffey

On Aug 8, 11:56 am, Dana Collins <> wrote:
> Greetings,
> I am tagging onto Arnel's prior post re: Ubuntu/Linux - starting new
> thread to avoid high-jacking his.
> I quote:
> On 8/7/09 11:45 PM, Arnel Tuazon of sent
> (quote)
> > Well I thought I'd give my old iBook G3 some new life by installing Jaunty
> > Jackalope as I kept hearing about Ubuntu and how great it is.  All I can say
> > is if you're a regular Joe computer user, Linux is still not for you IMHO.
> > etc...
> > In the end I installed Tiger and the iBook is actually
> > working pretty smoothly.  I installed NeoOffice over MS Office to see how
> > much faster it is.  I am impressed with it.  I  may try YDL some time in the
> > future with maybe my G4/1.6GHz Powermac and see how that goes.
> > iBook G3/700
> > 648MB RAM
> > 30GB hd
> (end quote)
> My question: how do you folks feel about NeoOffice vs. Open Office
> (either being used as a substitute for MS Office)?
> Any pros/cons? Preference of one over the other? I am interested in
> hearing what you have to say.
> Many thanks,
> Dana
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