At 8:44 PM +0200 8/30/2009, Mac User #330250 wrote:
>  > >How does Panther or even Jaguar run on your B&W?
>  > Panther and Jaguar are *slower* than Tiger.
>Yes, but when it comes to memory requirements I bet Tiger uses more RAM then
>Panther or Jaguar did.

According to my notes they're within 10 MB of each other.  And more 
in Tiger is pageable - so one could make the case that Tiger uses 
LESS memory.

>  > >Maybe there is a way to deactivate some background tasks or even some
>>  > system daemons.
>>  Yes, as has been covered in many threads... Disable spotlight
>>  indexing and kill Dashboard.
>Indexing is only a temporary thread, it should kill itself once finished.

Yes, indexing is only a temporary *process*, and it does terminate 
when finished.  However, it is restarted whenever new items are put 
on the drive that need indexing.

>I guess it is run on a timely basis, using some kind of cron job or so.

No, it's on-demand, so it can suck up your cpu and i/o bandwidth at any time.

>I'm just thinking... Could this really be it? Only two services/daemons/
>threads? It's hard to believe...

Those two services are the biggest pigs.  The others are trivial by comparison.

QuickTime aside (my pet peeve), for some silly reason Apple's 
engineers and the open source folx have actually put some thought AND 
work into their releases, making them better and better over the 
years.  Remember - we're talking about Macs here.  Not Windoze.

- Dan.
- Psychoceramic Emeritus; South Jersey, USA, Earth.

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