On 8/31/09 8:32 PM, Clark Martin at <cm...@sonic.net> wrote:

> Paul wrote:
>> This was mentioned in passing already, but I think I should emphasize
>> it a bit. Trying to boot from a USB thumb drive on a Sawtooth will be
>> VERY slow. Copying gigabytes of data will be VERY slow. Finding a USB
>> 2.0 card (much faster) that lets you boot might take a bit of work.
>> Some chipsets are better for Macs, but I don't remember the details.
> Pretty much all the USB 2.0 cards work on the Mac.  The problem comes in
> when the computer sleeps.  Problems range from crashing the computer at
> sleep to not being able to access the USB devices after waking.

Well, I have a USB 2.0 NEC Chip PCI card here on my G3... And I never had
any problems about putting the computer to sleep and wake it up later.


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