On Sun, Oct 25, 2009 at 5:29 AM, Joss <jossa...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I've had this PowerMac G3 for several years unused because first I
> couldn't plug in the monitor and it was very difficult to find an
> adapter.  Finally I succeeded and then discovered that the keyboard I
> had needed USB and the PowerMac had none, so I eventually got a card
> (which I still haven't installed).  The unit has been basically stored
> through all these years because I was very busy working insane hours -
> and had being driven crazy by the nightmare of dealing with microsoft
> viruses on my pc - until I'd reconfigured it so many times that stress
> erased the part of my brain that permits me the choice of doing
> another microsoft reconfiguration.  What a relief!  Then I converted
> to LInux Ubuntu which helped tremendously to reduce the trauma of 24
> years of coping with microsoft software... (after buying and playing
> with the first Sinclair, my first true computer world love affair was
> the Atari 1040 and then I switched to the Mac 512 etc but my business
> involvements required me to work in the PC environment which removed
> me from the human race for quite awhile - I became a robot manipulated
> by the machinations and mind control of microsoft.  I'm ashamed and
> penitent but I admit it .  I am a fugitive from the microsoft robot
> gang.  (Movie soon to be released ...)
> Wow, it has been a long time since I heard of one of those conversions.
Mostly I heard them with users who started on Amigas.  I suggest you troll
your local Goodwill or Yahoo freecycle group or the swap list here on LEM.
Look for a Mac ADB  keyboard and mouse. These come in handy for setup and
when or if the USB goes down.
          (explanation of ADB at; http://guides.macrumors.com/ADB )

Setting up the USB should be a no brainer. More or less plug and play.

Anyway in 2004 this orphaned G3 psychically reached into my heart (at
> a garage sale) and reset my robot heart into a human one which been in
> a "pining for Macintosh" coma since 1982.  The paradigm shifting earth
> shattering experience that broke the hopelessness spell which had
> bound my spirit to the lord of the microsoft underworld  which had
> instigated this miraculous turnaround was the sudden explosion of
> neurons in my brain by its invasion by the lightning bolt sentence "it
> still works perfectly and is running OS10 server and also functions
> well as a desktop" and "the only reason we are parting with it is
> because we have upgraded to a newer model".  I was in apple-mac love
> again.  And so even though I couldn't plug it in and really get it
> running  etc etc it kept the dream of reentering the World According
> To Apple alive in my abused psyche for another 5 years.  Scene Change
> to the year 2009... my son got me a Mac Mini 2.33 and my life began
> again - 10 months ago.  "It was 7pm on a Sunday and outside my window
> delicate snowflakes gently floated and swirled magically with the odd
> gust of wind when... "   Well, you get the gist of it (it's all iln
> the movie)
> Reborn into the reNEWed Age of Mac with the arrival of my new (OLD
> mini Mac) my life has taken on new meaning and direction...
> I was too embarassed at having had this brick taking up space and
> gathering dust for five years to be able to just say:
> I'm trying to figure out if I should plug in the USB card and see if I
> can actually get this giant computer running.  Can anyone tell me if
> there's anything worthwhile that can still be done with a G3 PowerMac
> that warrants my exerting any more brain cells and physical work to
> see if this machine actually runs, or whether I should just junk it.
> I'd really appreciate some clear understanding because each time I'm
> just about ready to let this dinosaur pass on to its well deserved
> reward...  I hear "something"... that makes me think that maybe I can
> still do something with it.  Please HELP!!!
There is certainly a lot that can be done with it and networking it to the
Mini should be easy also. The swap list should have a lot of reasonable
priced reliable software and hardware to keep your G3 happy for a long
time.  Welcome back from the slaveship now if you have to grab an oar again
for any reason you know you can always leave it at any time.

Funny though the Mac world has changed and there are many of the enslaved
who buy a Mac and insist on infesting it with Windblowz. And many of them
NEVER run OS X unless they HAVE to! Can you imagine.

And yet Apple in it's infinite wisdom ( infinite???) won't legally give us
the right to run an Apple OS on PC machinery even though Macs today are but
a hairbreadth away from being PCs!  That is even harder to imagine!

Welcome to LEM lists Joss. I think you will like it .

Adrian D'Alessio aka; Fluxstringer


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