On Mar 8, 2010, at 9:51 AM, ah...clem wrote:

On Mar 7, 4:45 pm, John Carmonne <carmo...@aol.com> wrote:

I think the 533 processor at $20.00 is a pretty good upgrade if it will produce a 33% improvement in speed. I agree that 1.25 GB of RAM is a good amount for most stuff. I use a lot of RAM on my CAD/CAM system due to rendering of the images in a zoomed fashion. If it's a nice clean machine and performs what you want to do and some more speed could make it better then the processor is cheap enough IMHO. but I'm just remembering what that RAM you already have cost back in the day:-D

John Carmonne
Yorba Linda USA

john keeps pushing his idea of a processor upgrade.  makes me wonder
if he's the one trying to sell the 533.  ;o)

The one flaw here is that a 533 is from a Digital Audio with a 133MHz bus speed and different motherboard layout than a Sawtooth with a 100MHz bus speed. In order to put that in a sawtooth (they have the same connector to the motherboard) you need to remove one of the onboard ATA connectors. Also, the 533 has a 4x multiplier (4x133MHz=533MHz) built into the processor, so in a Sawtooth, it will run at 400MHz (4 x 100MHz=400MHz).

Now, if you have a Uni-N revision 7 or above as reported by the utility linked to at this page:

<http://forums.xlr8yourmac.com/action.lasso?-database=faq.fp3&- layout=FaqList&-response=answer.faq.lasso&-recordID=33672&-search>



You can put in a dual processor from a Gigabit in your Sawtooth. Putting a dual 450 or 500 into your sawtooth will give you a big boost from your current processor. Heck, I am running Leopard on a Dual 533 DA.


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