You can look through the achieves of this list. It has been posted here withing the last two months. I know because I used it. I just don't remember what I did because there has been a lot happening in my life the last two weeks! Peace, Dennis

skinnie wrote:
Where can I find info about the hack?I've searched already but didn't
found it...
I am trying to make this machine really "lowend" on money,because:
1)I'll only use it on weekends
2)I am student and don't have much money.

I already thought about sata pci cards,but the money that I have to
pay for them are more than the g4 worth..about 45dollars I
think...this adapter cost me 5 dollars or less lol.
I never thought of fw enclosure,that would be a cool Idea,but I
already bought this adapter,only if the hack doesn't work.
About the processor upgrades,believe me I'd really like to have
something like a dual in my g4,but simply is too much money for me,and
for the use that it gets..
about radeon 7500 on the ibook vs the 16mb rage something that I have
in the g4,the biggest difference I think is the support of quartz
extreme..wich makes things a little "faster".
Well Today I'll give feedback on the instalation of tiger on the 250gb
2.5 HDD.

On Mar 9, 10:11 am, Stewie de Young <> wrote:
If you mean a SATA drive attached to the Sawtooth via a SATA to IDE
adapter, no.  Without one of the two fixes, a stock Sawtooth canNOT see
past the first 128Gb of a drive.  Not a parition, the entire drive.
Clark Martin
Unless you do the firmware hack to get around the 128Gb barrier or buy the 
Hi-Cap utility from InTech to do likewise.
Both work but also have caveats.
Me, I've bought SATA PCI cards for all my G4s to whack in newer, faster, bigger 
 hard drives and haven't regretted it at all.


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